Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Manifesto

I recently bought a few good books on my kindle. They all generally have the same theme of how to be preppy, classy, etc. Some are more entertaining than others, and some are more basic but they were all great.

How to be Hepburn in a Hilton World

(really cute cover I know)
This book is one for those who know their basic manners but need to brush up on the less known ones. It is written very well and is very clear and organized.

(notice the trend in color?)
This book is for people who want to change their life from trashy to classy. For those who never had the opportunity to learn proper manners and rules of dressing. It is written very well with plenty of witt.

The Official Preppy Handbook
How to describe this book...well I LOVE IT! Here is an excerpt and something I believe every young woman should live by...


"Its about ease and confidence. Its about fitting in when you do and even when you don't. Its about your endless supply of clothes that always look the same, no matter what era or fashion dictates. Its about your ability to tell a story, be the fourth-for tennis or for bridge-or somehow come to the rescue of a social situation. Because you can. Because you parents taught you by example."

I wrote this down in my room just so I can be reminded of it everyday and try and live by it. I believe it is really important to raise your children this way so that they can be successful in everything that they do. Because someone who can uphold this can be successful and prosperous in virtually any situation. Preppy isnt just clothes. And you dont have to be stuck up and snobby like some are. But you can be bright, happy, loving, polite, and welcoming. What a great way to live..don't you think?

Peace and Love


Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Semester New You?

Ok So I am officially a SECOND SEMESTER SENIOR!!!
And you know what that means....

(just kidding I still have to study)

But still! I am really excited to be that much closer to college. I hear back from my top two choices in about two weeks and of course after that it will be much easier to slack off.


Ok so I know that I dont know where I am going yet...but...I still have picked out what I want in my dorm. I found this great seller on etsy.com who does the cutest stuff and great for dorm rooms.

the name of the seller is SAY HAY GIFTS
(I would of course get my initals instead of lilly but its the lilly pattern)

Ok and this next idea I didnt come up with myself but I thought it was really cute! I cant remember what blog I saw this on but I definently need it. My wall on my dorm is going to be all black and white photos. This must be included and here are a few pictures I want on the wall.

(Just in case I forget in college)
(I love this shot of Marilyn posing for a chanel ad)
(Ok so most people wont get this but I looove this movie. Its from the late 1970's and its called Slapshot. I love hockey and this movie is hillarious)
(so I never forget where I am from)

(Bear Bryant Alabama Football Legend)
(the one and only..also my background for this blog)

And I will obviously find more but just to have the basics. My bedding is the lilly pulizter by Garnet Hill and is in this pattern..
(green is my favorite color and I think its pretty simple so I can pair it with accents of pink)

Also with bedding...

This is adorable...

So obviously these wont be the only things in my dorm but its definently a start. I can only hope I can find a roomate as pink and green as me. Since I am definently going to school down south I doubt I will have a problem finding another preppy girl who doesnt mind my insanity. UGH typing all this is getting my SO EXCITED FOR COLLEGE!!!

as always from tech class,

Peace and Love


Thursday, January 12, 2012


As an avid online shopper, and armed with a blackberry, I have noticed that this time of year has been great for sales. I am able to notice these things because I sit during 7th period everyday and stalk the internet instead of doing work in my tech class. Here are a few of my favorites...HURRY they wont last long.




Peace and Love


Tuesday, January 10, 2012



Its that time of year again! EXAMS! So I have taken it upon myself ( as a senior) to not study for them! I seriously dont like studying and I am really having trouble focusing now that the senioritis has fully kicked in. But now that I look back on my  previous posts I realized that I have already promised myself that I would study more... So I am caught in a certain situation. Go to the library and be good and study then go to the gym? or just go to the gym?


So today I was in math, not paying attention, and I spotted a girl in my class with a really really cute outfit. Since we will most likely be going to different schools next year I think it would be ok to try and mimic her outfit exactly to take to college. Here is what she was wearing.

 It is very winter-preppy and I absolutely love it! I have just sold some of my old lilly dresses on ebay and now I have some extra money to spend...I think I might just have to invest in this outfit. Anyway, I have decided that I will study and be good so that I can have a good start in college. Also it will help my parents feel better. If only I knew where i was going next year....

Peace and Love,


Monday, January 9, 2012


Today I am sitting in tech (as usual) and I look out the window and see SNOW!!

Although it may not stick and its not coming down fast its the most the DC area has seen this winter. Plus it wasnt even supposed to snow today we only heard about rain. It has been a super mild winter this year and it is about time for some snow. I tried snapping a picture with my phone but it didnt turn out well so I found a puctures that looks sorta like what im seeing (minus the already sticking snow...


So this snow has inspired some snow related fashion which I have not been able to use yet this year....


I think hats look fantastic in the winter and I love them when it snows! I have a ralph lauren hat like this one and its really cute on and looks great in the snow. I know there is a trend (sort of) of these animal type hats with the pom pom strings. And on the right people they look really cute but I dont think I can rock them..


These are Tory Burch and I absolutely love them. They are Tory's version of the duck boot and I love the fur. Plus they work perfectly in the snow because the bottoms have good grip and are rubber. I really hope that my parents will get these for me for my birthday...


This is almost exactly like the ski jacket I use. Its spyder brand and is super durable. It has lasted me forever and is really well made. I love skiing and snowboarding and I havent been yet this year (thanks mild winter) The slopes around here only have been open for 2 weeks but I am planning a trip to go snowboarding at the end of exams (so next week!)


Ok so these are really intense and they have cuter ones but since I have black snow pants and the red and white ski jacket I think these would look really cool with the outfit. These are also spyder brand (they make great stuff) and this is all getting me really excited to go snowboarding!

So by the time it took me to write this whole post it has already stopped snowing outside my window. The forecast for the rest of the day is rain (maybe ICE?!?!) and the temperature is lingering around 40 degrees (UGH) I really hope it will snow some more. I could always use a snow day for studying for exams which start on friday!

As Always,

Peace and Love


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter Style

So I am sitting here in tech...as usual....with nothing to do..so I am going to post some of the things that I want before I go to college

Monogram Necklace
I think these are really really cute and I would love to have one I think in silver but I am not sure yet. I have seen these around and I think they look really pretty..particularlty the cursive ones.

Duck Boots
I love these boots and I use my moms pair all the time. Although I am definently going down south for college, I still love these boots! Great for any weather...even though this year DC is getting very little snow and has been very mild.

Southern Marsh Longsleeve
I love the color of this shirt (I know I have been saying love a lot) but I really do! Southern Marsh has some really cute shirts (both longsleeve and short) They come in comfort colors too which I really like. Some are more simple but I think "authentic southern class" fits me the best!

New Vest
This one is from jcrew and I really like that it is quilted. I also love the color navy I think that overall its a great looking vest. I have one from old navy that is grey but I would rather have this.

Now these are more like my winter wants but since I am looking at schools down south (clemson and TCU) I have a whole other list dedicated to what I want this summer. That will have to be another post however since its a little early. I really want this week to be over since I have exams starting next week and then I am an official SECOND SEMESTER SENIOR! YAYY! Hope everyone is having a great week!

Peace and Love


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions

So I completely forgot to post about this and I believe it is a good idea because seeing the post will hopefully help me fulfill these goals...

In no particular order...

*)GET INTO SHAPE: I havent really been slacking on this but I need to step it up. My gym is really nice and I do like to work out. I really like Zumba and Kick boxing which are both offered classes at my gym.
I know its kind of a common resolution but I really do plan to stick it out...

*) STAY STUDYING!!: that senior slump which is all too common has really hit me hard. I dont know where I will be going next year but my grades have already started to slip (oops) I have recently started going to the library after school because my house is too distracting and it really helps! Plus I think its good preparation for college next year. I really need to keep this resolution.

*) BLOG MORE? I really do like blogging and I think it helps me keep organized (another resolution) Plus I think its helpful in that with writing more (in theory) your writing should improve.
*) STAY ORGANIZED not just in my school work (and my room) I need to keep my style and clothes organized. I love getting style ideas off the internet and I need to purge my closet from all the clothes from the middle school days (YIKES) I think this will also help me get prepared for college and simplify my wardrobe.

(I wish my desk could look this good!)

TO be continued...

Peace and Love


Monday, January 2, 2012

Back to School

Winter break was so nice! I had a blast in California with my cousins! If you are ever near thousand oaks CA I highly recommend a visit to the Camarillo (I think that's the name) outlets. They have a Tory Burch outlet store there and I got bathing suits for 20$!!!! They also have a great Kate spade store and northface and Jcrew as well. All and all successful!

My family is amazing and I love love love spending time with them. My family in California is wonderful and my family in Texas and South Carolina came too! We had an absolute blast!

Some noteworthy places were

1) Santa Barbara Zoo: steps away from the ocean and mountains it has really cool animals and really cool views. I got a new camera for christmas and had a blast taking pictures there!

2) Warner Brothers VIP Tour: I got to sit on the friends couch...THE REAL ONE. It's a pretty long tour but you learn so much!

3) Whale Watching tour: I am a huge huge fan of Animal Planets Whale Wars. So getting to go on this trip was super fun! we saw a whole bunch of common dolphins 4 grey whales and a couple of reeso dolphins (sp?) it was a great time of year to go as the grey whales are migrating down to Mexico.

Hope the New Year brings everyone joy!

Peace and Love,