Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Manifesto

I recently bought a few good books on my kindle. They all generally have the same theme of how to be preppy, classy, etc. Some are more entertaining than others, and some are more basic but they were all great.

How to be Hepburn in a Hilton World

(really cute cover I know)
This book is one for those who know their basic manners but need to brush up on the less known ones. It is written very well and is very clear and organized.

(notice the trend in color?)
This book is for people who want to change their life from trashy to classy. For those who never had the opportunity to learn proper manners and rules of dressing. It is written very well with plenty of witt.

The Official Preppy Handbook
How to describe this book...well I LOVE IT! Here is an excerpt and something I believe every young woman should live by...


"Its about ease and confidence. Its about fitting in when you do and even when you don't. Its about your endless supply of clothes that always look the same, no matter what era or fashion dictates. Its about your ability to tell a story, be the fourth-for tennis or for bridge-or somehow come to the rescue of a social situation. Because you can. Because you parents taught you by example."

I wrote this down in my room just so I can be reminded of it everyday and try and live by it. I believe it is really important to raise your children this way so that they can be successful in everything that they do. Because someone who can uphold this can be successful and prosperous in virtually any situation. Preppy isnt just clothes. And you dont have to be stuck up and snobby like some are. But you can be bright, happy, loving, polite, and welcoming. What a great way to live..don't you think?

Peace and Love


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